Coverstyl's Metallic Prestige range offers sleek and stylish choices. You can transform your space dramatically with any selection from this group which boasts elegance and quality at a fraction of the cost compared to more expensive options. Think with Styl.
The Natural range is exactly as described. From fibers to soft fabrics to complex textures, something will appeal. This selection of materials considers softness and delicacy within the space which can create a pleasant atmosphere to be in and around.
Natural Prestige is a range of high-quality textile materials with superb designs to complement and boast authentic creativity. Are you a fan of soft calming materials and natural tones? Have a look through the options below. Be inspired.
The mass manufacture of genuine leather fabrics can be seen as harmful to the environment and unethical due to animal rights. Coverstyl has recreated its versions of Leather patterns. With zero risk to animal welfare and zero increase to environmental issues, you can find a responsible and eco-friendly selection of luxurious styles below.